Global Citizens
In collaboration with various institutions from around the world, The Rosemarie Foundation is committed to enhancing and sustaining the education of children, as well as developing their character to grow into socially responsible global citizens.
A brief history of The Rosemarie Foundation
In 2004 The Rosemarie Foundation was founded by Franz W. and Claudia M. Schmadl.
A tradition of giving
During and after the First and the Second World War, members of the founders families, in particular William Graf, Honorary Citizen of the City of Konstanz, were donating and supporting significant means to families in Germany who fell victim to the war and helped to rebuild the country from the ruins of destruction. This tradition of giving, when means allowed for, was the key motivation to establish The Rosemarie Foundation.

Major Fundraising Event
Merging financial, athletic and philanthropic excellence
Auctioning art, wine and experiences
Hosted at the Schlosshotel Kronberg for the international banking community with guest speaker Ed Viesturs – the first American climber to reach all 8,000 meter summits without oxygen.
Africa and The Rosemarie Foundation
The Kalahari Project of the Frankfurt International School FIS was supported by The Rosemarie Foundation
10 years Kalahari Experience of The Rosemarie Foundation
Scholarship programs for juniors, University grants for senior students and the building of libraries were among the elements supported by The Rosemarie Foundation.
Art Exhibitions
Promoting peace and international understanding and reduce racial and ethnical tensions.
Moving exhibitions across Europe
Moving exhibitions with paintings, prints and text to promote peace and international understanding and reduce racial and ethnical tensions in Europe and Germany as a way to integrate and smooth the large influx of refugees.
Combining the traditional art world with the digital future.
Digitalisation of art
During the time of global lockdowns, The Rosemarie foundation sought the development of concepts to digitalise its artwork and documentation material as well as the focus on conceptualisation of a digital moving exhibition.
Foundation Facts
Guided by the belief that education is the key to a prosperous life, the Rosemarie Foundation works to help people gain access to education and knowledge. In developing countries, it focuses on improving educational facilities and giving them the chance to learn and lift themselves out of extreme poverty. In Europe, it seeks to to promote peace and international understanding and reduce racial and ethnical tensions.
Grantmaking Areas
- Scholarship programs for Junior students (until 2015)
- University grants for Senior students (until 2015)
- Building of libraries (until 2012)
- Exhibitions (current)
- Headquarters – Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- Switzerland Representation – Zug, Switzerland
- Claudia M. Schmadl, CEO, Chair and Trustee
- Franz W. Schmadl, Advisor to the Board and Trustee
- Dr. Georg Freiherr von und zu Franckenstein, Honorary Non-Executive Member of the Board
- Dr. Balthasar Schmadl, Former Honorary Member of the Board
- Günther L. Sandmann, Former Honorary Member of the Board
Current number of foundation employees: 8
The Rosemarie Foundation
Tax-exempt nonprofit charity organisation (Stiftung nach deutschem Recht)
The following entry from the foundation directory is in German language:
Öffentliches Stiftungsverzeichnis (Informationen gem. §17a) | |
Name der Stiftung: | The Rosemarie Foundation |
Rechtsnatur: | Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts |
Sitz der Stiftung: | Frankfurt am Main |
Zweck gem. Stiftungsverfassung: | Förderung der Jugendhilfe, der Erziehung und Berufsbildung sowie der Wohlfahrt, die Förderung der Entwicklungshilfe und Förderung der Völkerverständigung |
Anschrift: | Mierendorffstraße 4 a, 60320 Frankfurt |
Vertretungsberechtigtes Organ: | Vorstand |
Vertretungsberechtigte Personen: | Claudia M. Schmadl |
Vertretungsregelung: | 1. Die Stiftung wird durch den Vorstand gerichtlich und außergerichtlich vertreten. 2. Sind zwei oder weniger Vorstandsmitglieder bestellt, ist jedes Mitglied des Vorstandes zur alleinigen Vertretung der Stiftung berechtigt. Im übrigen wird die Stiftung von zwei Vorstandsmitgliedern gemeinsam vertreten. |
Datum der Genehmigung / Anerkennung: | 11.01.2005 |
Aufsichtsbehörde: | Regierungspräsidium Darmstadt |
Zusätzliche Verwaltungsinformationen | |
Zweck: | fördernd |
Förderungsbereich: |
Past and Current Partners & Sponsors
- ABN Amro Bank N.V. Netherlands
- Bank of America London
- Barclays Capital London
- Bishopsgate Partners Ltd.Capital
- Calyon Financial Inc. London
- Deutsche Bank AG London
- HSBC Bank New York
- Lehman Brothers International (Europe)
& several very kind international and German individuals and families
- FIS – Frankfurt International School
- Peter Ustinov Stiftung